Iowa Association of
Iowa Association of
Grant program
June 1999
1.The Iowa Association of Naturalists (IAN) will budget $500.00 annually
(January - December) for members to pursue individual projects not covered
by their work. Projects should focus on environmental education or topics
that pertain to the job description of the individual applying. Projects
may be of local, regional, state, or national significance.
2. Must be an IAN member before applying.
3.Grants will be awarded on a one-time basis to facilitate the initiation
of a project. If additional funding is required to complete the project,
the individual will inform the reviewing committee as to how the funds will
be secured.
4. Environmental grants will not be given to supplement previously existing
funding sources.
5.Grant applications will be accepted any time from January 1 to November
30. Any applications received after November 30 will be applied to the
next calendar year. Grants will be addressed to the IAN president and the
president will distribute copies to IAN ExCom members.
6.Grants will be evaluated at the next scheduled IAN ExCom meeting.
Applicants are welcome to voluntarily attend, and may be asked to attend if
the ExCom feels that further explanation about the proposal is needed. The
applicant will be notified of the decision following the meeting.
7.Funding is available for purchasing, printing, and distributing of
supplies, materials, curricula, etc. Grant money will not be available for
salaries or stipends.
8. Once approved, the project may not be changed. If the applicant
chooses to change the request, he/she return all grant funds and submit a
new project.
9. Recipients of an IAN Grant will submit a summarized report upon
completion of the project to the IAN ExCom. This report will include
copies of all receipts, and a detailed breakdown of the project budget.
This report is due one year after the date the grant was awarded. Any
extension of the project length beyond one year must meet with prior
approval of the IAN ExCom. Recipients will also write a short article
about the grant project for the IAN newsletter The Web, to be submitted in
the issue immediately following the awarding of the grant.
10. Preference will be given to projects encouraging or promoting IAN
goals and objectives.
11. Project director will not financially profit from the project.
IAN grant recipients must wait a year
before receiving another IAN Grant.
Application Procedure:
1. Applicants will submit a typed application with the information
outlined below. Applicants may be required to attend an IAN ExCom to explain
their project and its merits for funding.
2. Applications should be sent to:
3. Applications should contain the following information:
A. Name and address of IAN member.
B. Day and evening telephone numbers of applicant.
C. Project title.
D. Date of grant submission
E. Total dollar amount of project and itemized
budget (including
other sources of funds).
F. Total dollar amount requested from IAN.
G. Estimated project length and expected date of completion.
H. Signature of applicant.
I. Project Narrative:
i. Project
summary and justification (250 words or less).
ii Background
information on the need for and intent of the
Project goals and objectives and follow-up.
iv. Timeline and
completion dates.
References and/or letters of support for project.
Lisa Anderson
Environmental Education Coordinator
Keep Boone County Beautiful
1268 - 224th Lane Boone, Iowa 50036
515-433-0591 Fax: 515-433-0545
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