Iowa Association of Naturalists





IAN Business Meeting Minutes

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Hurstville Interpretive Center, Jackson County

5:30 p.m.


I.          Call to order by Heather Freidhof at 5:26 p.m.

II .       Secretary’s Report

1.            Minutes of the last meeting were posted online.  Moved to approve by Nicole Moestchen.  Seconded by Greg Wolf. Motion carried.

III.       Treasurer’s Report   

1.        Financial Report – Checking: $17,004.37, Joe Halbur Scholarship: $5,916.99. Moved to approve by Karen Phelps. Second by Rebba Reddick. Motion carried.

2.        Membership Report: 2007 – 112, 2008 – 5, 2007 students – 4,

      Honorary members –16, Total membership - 137

IV.       Committee Reports

A.      Promotions

      1.   Fundraising – Man vs. Wild is the theme for the fall workshop. Donation items   needed.

                  2.   Jr. Naturalist report – New patch possibly frog

                  3.   Joe Halbur Scholarship – 4 applications received. Committee will decide in 2 weeks and announce via listserve. Maria Koschmeder also praised Christina Groen for dedicated work on the power point CD that was sold to raise funds for Joe Halbur Scholarship.

                  4.   Scholarships – No new scholarships awarded

                  5.   Guide to Interpretive Services is online – send updates to Kelly Sonnichsen. Thanks to Kelly Sonnichsen and Mark Roberts for all their time.

                  6.   Web page – Mark Roberts reported the Web Page has been operational for 351 weeks.

                  7.   ICEC/IAN Awards – Presented to Cerro Gordo County at IAN for EE Program in                              county greater than 35,000. Presented to Louisa County at Winterfest for EE                            Program in county less than 35,000. Ding Darling award was presented to Dallas                            County at Winter Solstice for their Prairie Awakenings program.

V.        Administrative Reports (3 minutes each)

                  1.   IAN Grants – Tina Popson, Pottawattamie County

                  2.   NAI Liaison – Regional will be April 14-16 in North Dakota . Amy Yoakum is collecting items for Iowa Basket to be auctioned off during the Regional. The National will be held in Wichita Kansas in November.

                 3.    DNR Liaison – A bill is in the legislature to divide out the DNR. More bird                                monitoring, frog and toad surveys, and Iowater workshops will be conducted.                                 Project AWARE is June 16-24 on the Raccoon River .

     4.    IACCBE Rep. – It was reported that the keynote speaker for Winter Solstice will be Roger Brooks, Olympia , WA . The theme is tourism – getting folks off the highway and into your areas. The dates are January 21-23, 2008.

5.      IEC – Rich Leopold is the new DNR Director

6.      ICEC – A free student one-year membership is available. The deadline for the service learning grants has been extended to April 16, 2007.

7.      REAP-CEP – The deadline is May 15th. A change has been made to the website. Do a search for the REAP conservation ed. program to get to site.

8.      Upcoming Workshops – Summer 2007; August 22-24, Monroe/Mahaska Counties – posted online. Fall 2007; November 14-16, Muscatine County .

VI. Action/Discussion Items (5 minutes each)

1.        Fall Elections Committee – Lisa Anderson and Karen Phelps are up for reelection. Heather Freidhof will be stepping down. A Nominating Committee Chair is needed and will need two or more volunteers to help with nominees.

2.        Scat Cookbook – No report

3.        Strategic Plan – No new member is needed to replace Aaron Hershberger.

4.        Mentoring - Elizabeth Yoder, Louisa County Americorp was the winner of the Meet New Member challenge. She listed 50 new contacts she made and answered questions about them. Katie Hammond also had IAN workshop attendees obtain autographs from each other pertaining to activities they had done in the past.

5.        Professional Development – Miriam Patton presented awards to qualifying members. There were 35 participants. 2 five year recognition*, 2 ten year recognition** and 2 fifteen year recognition***. See list at end of minutes.

6.        Carpooling Efficiency Award – Presented to Charlene Elyea, Lisa Anderson and Tina Popson. Traveled over 6 hours.

7.        Traveling Exhibits – Ann Burns reported that Sandra Fulcher is working on obtaining a songbird exhibit and the mountain lion exhibit is still traveling the state. The committee is looking into other exhibit ideas.

8.        Other –

a.                    Awards were presented to Greg Wolf and Nicole Moestchen for serving on Ex Com. An award was presented to Ann Burns, Jackson County Naturalist, for hosting the Spring  2007 IAN.

b.                   Darrin Siefken is considering training as a Canoe/Kayak safety trainer. He in turn would be able to train members of IAN. Currently this training is $300.00. Angie Reid, Clayton County is interested in becoming a trainer.

c.                    Mark Roberts took up debate with the article on page 2 of The Web concerning the professional behavior of IAN members while at workshops and in public. A 5 minute (5 minute time limit) discussion was held among members and Strategic Plan Committee members. Linda Zalatel stated we move forward and not focus on the negative but strive for the positive.

V.  Adjourned by Heather Freidhof at 6:30 p.m.


IAN Professional Development 2006

Five year recognition *, Ten year recognition **, Fifteen year recognition***

Heidi Anderson, Julie Brazell, Ann Burns, Katie L. Cantu*, Dawn Chapman, Dana Dettmer, Charlene Elyea, Anita Fisher, Bradley H. Freidhof, Heather Freidhof, Sandy Fulcher, Christiana Groen, Katie Hammond, Pamela Holz, Heather Hucka, Chuck Jacobsen , Hilary Johnson, Kristi Karwal-Clark, Jerry Keys, Jody Moats, Michele Olson**, Miriam Patton***, Kim Perlstein, Karen M. Phelps, Diane Pixler***, Tina Popson*, Angie Reid, Mark Roberts, Lora Schwendinger, Victoria Schamblen, Emily Vant Hul, Todd Von Ehwegen**. Greg Wolf, Amy Yoakum, Linda Zaletel.

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