Iowa Association of Naturalists



Wednesday, November 1, 2006

Carroll Inn, Carroll , Iowa



Call to order by Heather Freidhof at 5:25 p.m..

II.   Secretary’s Report

Minutes of the last meeting were read.  Approved.

III.  Treasurer’s Report     

Financial Report – see attached

Membership Report

Discussed sending renewal/reminder postcards for those not attending IAN.

Members not renewing by spring workshop would be removed from membership list.

Greg needs to update treasurer’s book to say renewal is in the fall.

The $500.00 pledge over the next five years to ITLC is noted in the expense report.

New Treasurer

1.    The books will be transferred and the contact name on the account will change when the CD matures.

2.    Ask membership about the purchase of a new laptop for treasurer.

3.    The Workshop Coordinator will handle workshop registration and mail checks to Treasurer prior to workshop.

4.    Katie will look into finding an accountant to check the books for taxes.

Either pro-bono or low-cost.


IV.   Executive Committee Business

      A. Committee Updates and Reports

            1. Professional Development

a. Professional Development – Nomination forms are due December 30, 2006.

b. Scholarships – Greg received $75.00 to attend IAN

c. Joe Halbur Scholarship -  moved to discussion items. T-shirts were NOT sold at State fair.

d. Grants – No applicants. $250 not used.

e. Jr. Naturalist report - Greg will e-mail Joel and ask him to remove his name from the brochure. To avoid confusion on who check is made out to, “Make checks payable to: IAN Treasurer” will be added. “Mail to Jr. Naturalist at Joel’s address” will also be added. (no action was taken since April). JN made money. May need to increase budget.

f. IAN Mentoring Program – A check box was placed on registration form. Five new mentor pairs in last 2 months were added.

g. Web page – A $119.95/year fee is charged to Clinton County . Heather will check with new Treasurer to see if fee can be charged to their county via a credit card.

h. Guide to Interpretive Services – Greg will ask Kelly to update. Eventually, copies will be distributed online.

i. IAN Display – The display was on display at IAN. Members were asked to update pictures. Suggestions included the group shot from Kent Park (spring IAN) and Americorps pictures.

j. Traveling Exhibits – A meeting will be held at Noon on 11-02-6


            2. Promotions

a.  Fall fundraiser – Karen from Lee County obtained raffle permit at a cost of $15.00

      B. Newsletter

Electronic Newsletter – Deadline is December 29th.

Heather will get Karen a copy of approved contract for the files.

Heather will inform committee chairs they will be required to submit a brief report for each newsletter.

Other articles may include: Karen (Lee Cnty) and Maria, Fall Auction; Heather, Grant Monies; Patti Peterson-Keys, Scholarship Monies; Grapevine News as it happens; Linda Z., Strategic Plan and REAP; Greg, grant he received; Kay Neuman, non-toxic shot update; Jim Pease, The Importance of Nature in Youth.

Heather to ask Amy Y. for NAI article

Karen to check with Sondra and Gail for Winter Solstice article

      C.  Strategic Plan Ideas

            1.   (Brad, Beth, Aaron, Lewis & Linda)

Strategic plan committee will present a one-hour session prior to the Business Meeting at Fall IAN.

D. Elections – Voting to take place at business meeting. Positions to be determined after election during short Ex-com meeting.

E. Summer 06 – Ask membership about Summer IAN workshop. Bi-yearly?

F.  Fall 06 – Carroll County – November 1 – 3

G.    Spring 07 – March 14-16 in Jackson County

H.  Summer 07 - To be determined at business meeting

I.   Fall 07 – Muscatine County – Would need to be an IAN member

Correspondence – Winterfest report needs to be in by Dec. 15th. INHF (Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation) wants to do a workshop session on land owner’s options. INHF (Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation) is seeking a $200.00 donation. Bring up at Business meeting.

New IAN booklets – Scat Cookbook still in need of recipes, Pam to do update

L.    List Serve – Transfer of Data to new VP at February meeting.

Schedule Spring meeting – February 1st,  10:00 a.m. at Marshall County NC .

Any other business - 

Linda Z. will get a CD copy of the Ex. Com. Hand book to Heather to do periodical updates

V.  Adjourned by Heather Freidhof at 6:25 p.m.

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