Iowa Association of
IAN Business Meeting
Twin Ponds Nature Center
Chickasaw County Conservation
I. Meeting was called to order by Linda Zaletel at 4:47 pm.
Patti Peterson-Keys motioned to approve.
Heidi Anderson seconded. MCU.
There is $2,621.14 in our checking account, $14, 916.25 in our savings account and $5,776.53 in the Joe Halbur account. Jason O’Brien motioned to approve this report. Miriam Patten seconded it. MCU.
B. Membership Report
47 - 2003 Members
4 - 2003 student members
85 – 2004 members
5 – 2004 student members
13 – 2005 members
16 – honorary members
Total Members = 172
C. IRS non-profit status
Greg checked on our 501c3 status with IRS. We DO NOT qualify. We are classified as a 501c6. This is a business organization that does pay sales tax. ICEC’s status is 501c3 because they are an older organization. They applied before the law changed. IAN applied too late. Amy Yoakum suggested sending a letter. Patti Peterson-Keys will talk to a lawyer.
IV. Committee Reports
The fall auction raised $1, 264.50. Bird seed sold raised $115.00. We will be in need of Good, Quality items for next year’s auction.
Bluegill patches are available. Take what you want. Joel will bill.
Two applications came in. The committee will make a decision tonight. Amy Yoakum and Charlene Elyea will be on committee.
$400 available. Up to $100 available to attend meetings. Consider this for NIW in Michigan.
Kelly Sonnichsen received $75 to attend the NAI Region V meeting
ISU Extension 4-H Youth Development Specialist.Aldo Leopold Environmental Education Award: Judy Levings,
Bohumil Shimek Environmental Educator Award: Mark Aronson, Scott Community College.
Chris Holt Youth Environmental Education Award: Enhanced Hunter Safety Education Course, Clinton County Conservation Board.
Ada Hayden Conservation Education Award: Erwin E. Klaas, ISU, US Geological Survey, retired.
"Ding" Darling Environmental Education Award: Blue Heron Eco Cruises, Clinton County Conservation Board.
Outstanding County Conservation Board EE Program (pop. >35,000): Polk County Conservation Board
Outstanding County Conservation Board EE Program (pop. <35,000): Dickinson County Conservation Board.
The application form was lost in ExCom transfer. We will need to get all the information on the web for projects, criteria and an application.
We need help with grapevine news. Let Dan Cohen know of any.
The new director is Rich Leopold. They will lobby the legislature.
A. Summer 2004 Workshop
July 12 – 14 in Benton County
$25 for 5 meals / free housing
B. Fall 2004 Workshop
November 3 – 5, 2004 in Hardin County
Early to avoid Veteran’s Day, National Interpreter’s Workshop in Michigan and Thanksgiving holiday
C. Spring 2005 Workshop
Johnson County
8. Web page – Mark Roberts
- NEED grant information, mentor information, committee reports, minutes, publications, scholarship, join us page, ExCom meetings, web policy, pictures and other updates.
- Form a committee – Dana Dettmer
9. REAP CEP – May 15 Deadline
10. Master Conservationist – Anna Belle Major is the grad student in charge.
- $2,500 available for purchase of IAN booklets on a first come, first serve basis.
- $250 is available to purchase IAN booklets for each MC class.
- Nine out of the 10 are still available.
- Old copies are in boxes at Polk County.
- There is a link from IAN’s website but has somehow been removed from ISU Extension’s website. We hope to fix this problem.
V. Action/Discussion Items (5 minutes each)
- Native American Booklets – REAP will not fund anything but the printing.
- IAN could not apply for an Iowa Community Cultural grant because of a lack of 501c3 status. ICEC will be applying for this grant. Notification will occur in April.
- Certificates were given to mentors for 9 current & 2 "old"
Mentors Mentees
Shane Vondracek Amber O’Neil - OLD
Karen Roosa-Hansen Charlie Bray
Aaron Hershberger Ben Schlader
Sunday Ford Robby Mason - OLD
Kelly Sonnichsen Josh Carr
Karen Johlas-Szalkowski Kristi Karwal
Heidi Anderson Angi Reid
Pam Holz Carrie Johnson
Charlene Elyea Lisa Anderson
Michelle Olsen Nicole Moestchen
Greg Wolf Linda Roy
- Moles revealed were Katie Dalton, Shane Vondracek, Greg Wolf, Julie Brazell & Jerry Keys.
- Currently, IAN uses a moderated list. Members contact the vice president with messages. The VP, Shane, sends appropriate messages out to entire membership.
- An unmoderated list serve would eliminate the time commitment of IAN’s VP. We could use an invited or uninvited list of members.
- Yahoo has list serve capabilities that IAN could use. There is an archival function that might be helpful.
- After some discussion, Larry Stone motioned to have an unmoderated list. Rochelle Ebel seconded the motion. MCU.
Committee – Heidi Anderson, Nan Geske & Charlene Elyea
- Yearly recipients - Julie Brazell, Ann Burns, Sondra Cabell, Katie Cantu, Dawn Chapman, Katie Dalton, Kathy Dice, Rochelle Ebel, Charlene Elyea, Anita Fisher, Sunday Ford, Bradley Freidhof, Heather Freidhof, Laura Hamilton, Jerry Keys, Maria Koschmeder, Theresa Kruid, Jody Moats, Heather Niec, Michele Olson, Miriam Patton, Kim Perlstein-Rowley, Diane Pixler, Tina Popson, Kelly Sonnichsen, Shane Vondracek, Todd VonEhwegen, Greg Wolf, Amy Yoakum, Linda Zaletel
- 5 year recipients – Heidi Anderson, Dana Dettmer, Pamela Holz & Mark Roberts
5. Policy and Procedure Manual for IAN
- A committee would create a manual for each position on the Executive Committee. This manual would be passed down to new Executive Committee members. Greg Wolf, Shane Vondracek and Linda Zaletel from the ExCom volunteered. Brad Freidhof, Heidi Anderson, Kelly Sonnichsen & Patti Peterson-Keys volunteered to be on the committee as well. This committee could go through the archives together. Once this information is established, it should contain IAN’s history and be put online.
A. Christina Groen, Kelly Sonnichsen, Shane Vondracek and Jody Moats.
- Mike Havlik announced the Young Naturalist’s conference August 8 – 14, 2004.
- Jason O’Brien has Nature Mapping brochures available.
- Joe Boyles mentioned a 36 star flag that was purchased by Lewis Major, Wendy Zohrer, Jason O’Brien and Joe. It was first flown at Ft. Abraham Lincoln then went to IL. Now it’s in Iowa. It will be returned to Region 5 at Starved Rock, IL where it will be auctioned off as a fundraiser. It is meant to fly as many places as possible between now and then.
- Brad Freidhof talked about the Iowa Environmental Education Project. This is the $50 million Rainforest project going on in Johnson County. He hopes to have David Oman speak to IAN at the Spring 2005 meeting in Johnson County.
- Lewis Major spoke about using the ICN network for programming. He wanted to let everyone know it will be a program at the fall workshop. This would be a modern technology that would be free and require minimum effort.
VI. Adjourn
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